Wednesday, August 24, 2011

How can I get past this day...

August 26th was going to be such a great day! The day we bring our baby girl into the world. Well now all I can do is hope this day passes by fast. Each time I think about it I start to cry. I tell myself,"You can get over this. It's jut another day." But the day creeps closer and closer. 

I miss her. These last 4 months have gone by to fast. I feel horrible because I have been working working working and taking care of Caleb. I haven't had much time to sit and really think about her.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Day by day...

Each second gets better, each minute gets better, each hour gets better, each day gets better, each week gets better, and each month gets better. I go though these pictures of our last moments together and I cry. I cry for joy that we were with her. That she met her brother and that she wasn't by herself. I know now she's in a better place. And I keep thinking why couldn't we just have one more day??

I thank God for all the RT's, Nurses, and Doctor that helped take care of her. They we her care taker BUT they have found a spot in our hearts as part of our family. With out them I would have had no time with her. So agian, I thank God for all of them.

For tonight I hope tight to her teddy and blanket and fall fast asleep as I dream of the next time I will see her.
We love you baby girl!