Monday, June 20, 2011

another day

Emily's belly is still the same. No better and no worse. They are still backing out her penrose each day. Nothing coming out of that. She is 6 weeks old and still can't eat. BUT the good news is she is gaining... gaining... gaining.. today she was up to 990grams! 2lbs 3ozs. Wow! She was just 1lb 5ozs when she was born. Her head has also started to grow. She was born at 21cm and now up to 23.1cm today. 7 days ago she was still 21cm. She must of finally hit a growth spurt. If we could just feed her some milk. Her vent settings are still the same.

I held her agian today. She did pretty good! She loves being with her momma.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear of her growth and that you were able to hold her. Hope the belly improves soon.
