Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Some day soon

When I went to see Emily today her belly was a lot bigger. They just stopped the suction tube yesterday! They did and x-ray this morning and nothing seem alarming at the time. This afternoon when I was about to leave to get Caleb they asked me to take her temp before I leave. So i did. It was 1 degree lower than it should be. We checked it on the other arm, yep, the SAME. When we flipped her over her belly looked MUCH bigger than when I first got there. Each time the nurse touched her belly she pulled her arms and legs in and squinted in pain. We took her temp one more time. It was a little better but not much.

The doctors told me they were gonna give her a little longer off suction and re-check tomorrow. It was so hard to leave her tonight, but I had to get home to Caleb.

Please send an extra prayer to her tonight.


  1. I will do that. I continue to think of you all and am praying for you. Hang in there. We love you!

  2. Praying for you and your sweet family. God is so much bigger than this and He loves Emily more than we can comprehend. I hope you're leaning on Jesus during this extremely difficult time. My heart aches for you and your family. For poor Caleb that doesn't understand what's going on with his baby sister. Mommies and daddies don't want their babies to spend time at Riley, but when they have to, it's a great place to be. Our baby girl went to be with Jesus after less than 22 hours at Riley so while our stories are different, the pain of doing what we can and yet feeling like we aren't doing anything is kind of the same. I read your blog daily and am praying for sweet Emily and everyone that is helping with her at Riley!
