Tuesday, June 14, 2011

What beautiful face!

Today when I wen to see her she had a lot of things done. Poor girl it wore her all out! The re-taped her tube. The FIRST time I saw her with out all that tape on her pretty little face. She looks so different. The process of re-tapeing is more than I thought, it took a while. She did so well! She didn't brady at all and was only on 32% oxygen. Then I picked her up by myself and held her in my hands while they changed her bed. Then I changed her diaper, took her temp, change the biox thingy, and changed her penrose gauze. She did really well with that. Then after she finally settled down x-ray came to get a x-ray of her chest to make sure the tube was in the right spot. After that she settled down and the person came up to re-dress her dressing on her central line. Poor girl! Surgery came up to look at her and they are still concerned with her gut. They took the suction tube out that goes to her belly and replaced with a g-tube. In a few days if everything still looks about they same they will do a contrast study, where they take x-ray over and over  as it moves through her belly. They do this to see if it's moving and if it isn't where about did it stop. That's all that will tell. It will say "hey she's ready to start feeds again" or "hey she's not ready for them" They also are backing out the penrose each day little by little.

But she did really well after that!

Once that was done we just spent time together. She held on to my finger tight for a long time. She's such a good girl when mommas around! ;)


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