Thursday, May 19, 2011

Another great day

Little Emily! You are so loved! :)

Today is got off 1 of her blood pressure medication! And as of 11pm she is only down to 5 of the other one. Each time it's above 40 they will wean down 2.5 instead of 1. So by tomorrow she will be off of it! :) Which could mean she gets to eat. Hopefully the doctors will let her tomorrow. I just know that will help her out sooooo much! Her's blood gasses are great and oxygen levels are great!

I love to watch her open and close her eyes. :)


  1. Great New!! Still praying Josh and Erica! Love reading about how she is doing. Thanks!

  2. All of our prays are being answered daily! We continue to be blessed. Keep the faith and just know that there is an angel watching.
    Lots of love to you,Emily,Caleb,Josh and Erica.
    To the stars and all around with love.
    Auntie Edie
