Friday, May 27, 2011

A down day...

Today not such a good day. Emily had to have surgery. Her belly kept getting bigger and bigger. From 8am until 12pm it was a big difference. At 4pm they had surgeons come look at her. They said that she needed to be drained. They call me and tell me. I consented to the surgery thinking it will be later on this afternoon  when josh gets home so i can go up there. NOPE! They had to do it right then and there.

She had a bunch of poop and fluid in her belly. They drained A LOT! She has a pref in her bowel. This is something that will close up over time or she might need surgery (but not until she gets a lot  bigger and older). Her belly looks a lot better. All this extra stuff in there was straining her lungs.

She is doing much better now. She's not in any pain. She was resting comfortable when we went to see her. They tube will stay in until it stops draining.


  1. Thank god for good doctors. Hope Emily has a good day today.

  2. You are in our thoughts and prayers. I check the blog daily and am thankful for the updates. Love you all. ~Nik & Mike
