Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Miss Emily 3 weeks 3 days-- May 31st

She was very active today. :) Eyes open wide. Moving arms and legs. I got a good look at her skin and it looks better. Her back is still healing (that will take time due to being on it a lot), and on each side of belly (it split open from her belly expanding so its looks kinda bad). Other than those areas her skin looks great!

I asked the doctor today if she is progressing... I couldn't get a straight answer. Her belly has set her back. Since all of this happened she can't eat for a while. Not until she gets the penrose out and the okay from surgeons. Her lungs are doing great the doctor said. Her skin is getting better each week. They are worried about her seizures since she really has no evidence of a brain bleed. They order another ultrasound of her head for when she is 1 month of age. They will be looking at her brain matter. And now let's hope her belly gets better soon! So she can eat and gain some weight!

She weighs 1.45lbs and has a OFC of 21cm. :) Our little peanut. Her length hasn't been recorded since birth which was 11 3/4in.

Thank yo for all your thoughts and prayers!


  1. I am sorry to hear about all that's going on with your Emily. I cannot donate money, but I am starting prayers for her! Help is on the way. God WILL see you through this. I promise. God bless you and your family and this strong little fighter!

  2. I was linked to your blog through The Fluffy Exchange and had to comment. My daughter Raven was born at 27 weeks (with exactly zero warning). She just turned two this month and is doing great. It sounds like Emily is really making some progress! Know that my thoughts are with you - this will be the most difficult, but the most beautiful, time of your life. If you ever need to talk to someone that's been there, just let me know! :)
