Tuesday, May 24, 2011

When can we stop worrying?

Today we got the results back on her head ultrasound. They good and not bad. But could of been better. It showed a slight change from the last 2. They keep telling us that brain bleeds are very common at this age. And that if it stays in a grade 1 or 2 it's not to much to worry about. It's the grade 3 and 4 that you have to worry about. Her ultrasound showed what they "think" "might" be bleeding but can't really tell. Which we knew this from the other 2 ultrasounds. So that wasn't bad news. But they have suspension of PVL (long term brain damage) but not for sure and they don't know what type or to what extent. But it shows a sign that her brain did go with out oxygen and blood at one point. The NNP said that she had brain matter. And that's good. We won't know to much more until she can get a EEG and MRI. They came up to see her for a EEG and they said until she gets off the high frequency ventilator she can't have one. It would mess with the test. The MRI she needs to get bigger and older.

They stopped her feedings yesterday because she needed blood and platelets. This morning they were a little concerned with her belly getting bigger and a little dark. They did a x-ray of her belly and didn't see any gas moving around. Which is to be excepted because she hasn't pooped yet. They weren't sure about starting her feedings up again, but they did. She gets 1ml every 6 hours instead of every 4hrs. after her first feeding today at 2pm I checked on her to see how it went. When they suctioned her belly to see if she digested it it was a little green, but the doctors weren't concerned and they are going to give her another feeding tonight at 8pm. 

She had a better day with breathing. She came down by 4 on her settings over last night. and she was around 37-42% on her oxygen today.

Her blood pressures have been great!

The nurse asked me if I wanted to change her diaper and take her temp. I said sure. I feel like I don't know what I am doing when I touch her. I feel like a new new mom. It feels so good to be able to take care of her!
Her skin looks GREAT on her arms and legs and neck. There are a few spots on her belly, back and groin that look bad still. But they think overall the cream is doing it's job.

Today while I visited her as I was looking at her she started to get very upset. She looked like she was trying cry but couldn't because the tube in her throat. She had so much bubbles and spit in her mouth and she was trying to work it out of her mouth but couldn't. When this happens her oxygen also drops low because her airway is blocked. So I got the nurse. She needed morphine and suctioned. Then she was better. It was scary to see her that upset and I couldn't do anything to help her.

Just checked on her and they stopped her feedings because when they suctioned her at 8 before her next feeding she still had green. Which means shes not ready for feedings.They don't want to push her to fast or hard because they could pop a hole in her intestines. But she still is doing great. Her oxygen level is right around 30%. No test or blood gas until 8am! She gets to rest tonight!!

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